Libbi Mayer

A compilation of accomplishments.


Director role


I absolutely loved this role! I’ve always been bossy.. But as director people look for your direction and expect it. I would enjoy calling the shots someday, who knows, maybe God will put my bossy-streak to good use in this field! Haha.

DIY 10-minute show!

Creative Cooking

Here is my 10-minute how-to show! Watched it for the first time tonight and laughed until I had tears in my eyes. I loved it, all the imperfections and fun of recording live; from a classmate showing up on the corner of the screen to my “icing bag” making farting noises… Yes, really. All I can say is, check out my facial expressions during that scene and next time I’m buying a real icing bag.

Enjoy the show!

May Photography

May Photography

I am beyond excited! There is nothing like accomplishing a piece of work that at the end of the semester you are able to stand back and show off with pride. I’ve just completed my Web Design class in which we spent all semester creating websites and designing one of our own, completely from scratch; I mean using programming code! html! css! I feel so smart.

I chose to design my website for photography I have shot in the past. I have never before had a place to display my photography that I have been proud of. Now I can confidently say, “yes of course I have a website, go check out, all my information is on there.”

Granted, this class was a GREAT amount of work, but I’m very excited to have launched my website today. College, you’re not so bad after all. 

BBB Commercial

Very proud of this commercial! I produced, organized, shot and edited (with a little help!) the entire thing!

The video is for my Principles of Public Relations and Advertising class and will be a piece of our final presentation in front of the Central East Texas Better Business Bureau staff.

behind the lens.



One of my favorite scenes from the commercial shoot today. Image

Between coordinating the schedules of my short notice recruited talent, dragging around equipment and shooting each scene a minimum of three times I think it’s safe to say the shoot was a little more effort than we expected. Myself and a classmate filmed our first commercial today, an eight scene deodorant commercial with two actors and two actresses.

An overcast sky made for gorgeous outdoor shots, and filming the Friday before spring break made for a less crowded campus and a tamable amount of ambient sound. We did not experience any hiccups in operating the equipment; our greatest challenge while shooting was organizing the shots by availability of our talent and completing them in timely manner. A piece of me felt as though I was wasting their time while we set up equipment and white balanced, leaving me pressured to run through the scene, but they were all very patient and happy to help.

I did not think I would enjoy being behind the camera; standing behind the camera in the studio is boring. However, being able to direct the talent while working with a script and attempting to match the picture in your head with what is playing out is a much more colorful ordeal, and I am excited to see the final product. 

Smack dab in the middle of the semester, learning all about videography both in the studio and out in the field, and preparing to shoot my first commercial tomorrow morning. Of course, this is in between writing press releases, pitch letters, fact sheets, studying for exams, designing web pages and learning the art of rhetoric.

Itching to graduate with only two semesters remaining, yet feeling more and more confident in my abilities as I learn the curriculum. I could not have chosen a better major and I greatly look forward to jumping into a career in public relations when I finish school. I have already begun looking into careers across the country.


Look for updates as I film and edit my first commercial, and an upcoming photo post on lighting techniques.