Libbi Mayer

A compilation of accomplishments.

Gender in Social Media

Top social media sites track demographics of visitors.

Gender chart

TYLER, Texas – Above is a data sheet displaying the demographics of visitors to some of the most popular social media sites by gender. The information is from the Huffington Post. Very similar information is displayed on and, though they do not include as wide a range of categories. To see a the complete interactive data sheet click on the image above or the follow the link: Gender in Social Media

The graph is an easy way to see who is on what social media site most frequently, and who dominates which sites. With just a glance you can see that Pinterest has three times as many active women users than it has men. You can also see that Reddit is almost the polar opposite of Pinterest, with three times as many men than women visiting the site.

The three social media sites closest in ratio between men and women visitors are Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. Though each site is not completely equal in gender ratio, the numbers are close.

Nothing quite like using a graph to get an idea across quickly, clearly, and without overwhelming numbers to distract.

SEO: IDV, Gender distribution, Social media, Social media demographics, Tyler, Texas, Data.

May Photography

May Photography

I am beyond excited! There is nothing like accomplishing a piece of work that at the end of the semester you are able to stand back and show off with pride. I’ve just completed my Web Design class in which we spent all semester creating websites and designing one of our own, completely from scratch; I mean using programming code! html! css! I feel so smart.

I chose to design my website for photography I have shot in the past. I have never before had a place to display my photography that I have been proud of. Now I can confidently say, “yes of course I have a website, go check out, all my information is on there.”

Granted, this class was a GREAT amount of work, but I’m very excited to have launched my website today. College, you’re not so bad after all.